Order Placement

Phone Orders & Order Placement

Phone Orders Made Simple


Online Order Placement

Have an online store but don’t have time to answer phone enquiries and place orders?

OnePoint Connect offers over the phone order placement for Online Store owners. With access to your website, our receptionists can answer questions about your products and place orders via your eCommerce system.

Our receptionists have experience working with WooCommerce, Shopify, Bigcommerce, Magento and Neto websites.

Catalogue Price Checks

For business owners who don’t have an online store, OnePoint Connect can assist with general pricing and product enquiries.

All we need is access to your most up-to-date product catalogue and current specials.

Our friendly receptionists can talk to your customers, provide valuable information, gather information for purchase orders and more.


Professional Australian Receptionists

Virtual Receptionists packages for all business sizes